



长春市彼特福科技有限公司是一家专业从事专业试验仪器设备研究开发、生产,与销售一条龙的企业,从而实现最大化的让利于广大新老客户。公司拥有一支优秀的管理和技术团队,使公司产品在同行中始终处于领先地位。凭着求实创新的精神,不断进取,以先进的设计思路,精湛的制作工艺为我国航天、航空、军事、石油、化工、医疗、电子、通讯、各大院校、及科研单位提供了理想的试验设备。 公司本着"诚信为本、技术为先"的企业宗旨,帮助用户提升产品品质,创造最大的效益共赢则是彼特福一贯的努力目标。凭借“提供优质产品,满足客户需求,推动社会发展”的经营宗旨,彼特福立足长春,服务全国,辐射世界。并成功出口到俄罗斯、马来西亚、越南等国家,在广大用户中享有良好的信誉。 本着让广大用户“买得称心,用得放心”的原则,所有产品送货上门、免费安装调试、免费保修一年等服务。公司以“一流的技术产品,一流的服务态度”为广大用户排忧解难。我们热诚欢迎广大新老客户来厂参观指导,并真诚地希望与各界朋友精诚合作,共创美好的明天。 我司主要产品有:维卡热变形试验仪,海绵泡沫落球回弹试验机,海绵泡沫压陷硬度测验仪,海绵泡沫切割机,海绵泡沫疲劳压陷试验机,熔融指数仪,电压击穿试验仪,塑料球压痕硬度计,马丁耐热试验仪,海绵泡沫拉伸强度试验机,摆锤式冲击试验机,纸箱耐压试验机,门窗试验机,防护材料冲击试验机,汽车安全带紧急锁止试验台,落镖式冲击试验机,薄膜冲击试验机,电液伺服万能试验机,摩擦系数仪,电蒸汽锅炉,大型电开水箱,反压高温蒸煮锅,高温蒸汽灭菌消毒器,老化试验箱,安全帽冲击/耐穿透性试验机等。 Located in Changchun City Jilin Province China, BTF Science and technology CO.,LTD is a specialized manufacture of test equipment. The company has since evolved, distinguishing itself for its high quality design and production standards, as well as for its personalized customer service. We are also industry leaders in the test equipment sector, and are generally a reference point in the area of testing equipment. Presently BTF produces more than 100 different machines, and testing items. BTF's most important resource is its people. For many years, BTF has benefited from a strong technical team that has grown closely and involved in all areas of its production line. We can offer you: high quality design, wide product range covering all world standards, more than 100 items in our production line, custom made product development, High-End Hardware & Software, quality Customer service and competitive Prices.

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